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How to Start Broiler Chicken Poultry Farm with 1000 birds

How to Start Broiler Chicken Poultry Farm with 1000 birds:
In this article i assume that we are starting a poultry farm with 1000 chickens.
Requirements of Poultry Farm with 1000 Birds:
  1. Land
  2. equipments and feed
  3. water and power supply
  4. Labour 1 or 2.
How much Land is required for 1000 chicken birds?
On average each chicken need 4 square feet.hence, 1000 birds need 4x1000=4000 sq.ft land.
1 acre = 43560 square feet, 1 acre = 100 cents. 1 cent = 436 sq.feet , for your information.
Calculate the land cost in your location to buy or rent that land.
How much feed is required for one chicken?
Broiler chickens generally eat 2kgs per 1 kg weight gain, means if it has gain 2kgs weight, then it will eat 4 kgs. Feed cost per 1 kg is 10 to 15 rupees depends on your area and availability.Now calculate feed cost for 1000 birds.So, 20,000Rs for feed cost for 1000 birds per one month, i assume that feed cost per kg is 10 Rs.
3rd and 4th are general requirements.
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